James W. Ledford P.A.
"Your Advocate, Your Ally: 40 Years of Trusted Civil Representation"
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Contact Information
Email : Jameswledford@LedfordLaw.com
Office: 386-672-6611 / Fax: 386-673-9148
We're here to provide responsive, personalized legal service
of the utmost quality to our clients in a cost effective manner
consistent with our client’s best interests and goals.
ADDRESS: 787 S. Yonge Street (U.S.1)
Ormond Beach, Florida 32174
Office is a brown one level building on the East side of US 1.
From I-95 North: Ormond Beach , SR 40 Exit — East on SR 40 (Granada Blvd) to US 1 (S. Yonge Street), Turn RIGHT on US 1. Go 1 1/2 miles South to light at Calle Grande. Make LEFT U-turn to office on right.
From I95 South and I4 West to I95 Northbound : Take LPGA exit East to US 1, Turn LEFT on US 1. Go thru light at Calle Grande to office on right.
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